Jonathan asked to go to Waterworks for his birthday, so here we are (minus me--hey, someone had to take the pictures, and you're really not missing anything by not seeing me in my bathing suit!). Oh, and we went on this trip back in July; we just about can't get out of town for the next three months between school and football, but that's OK. Anyway, above is Austin (Aaron's good friend), Yuya (our Japanese student), and Aaron.

Here's Elijah & Annie, with Lydia in the background. I don't know why Annie looks so serious, because she really did have lots of fun. And besides, when she tired of playing in the water and going down the kiddie slides, there was plenty of trash for her to try to get into! Why do people go to these parks and leave their half eaten food on the tables, when there are trash cans 3 feet away??!!

Jonathan & Yuya goofing off. We were sad when Yuya left, he was so much fun.

And if our entire day at Waterworks wasn't enough, we stopped by our good friends' house on the way home, where the kids swam for another hour! Jonathan was really intent on me getting pictures of them jumping into the water.

And I did it!
What a fun birthday! How old is the birthday boy?
He's 13, and has an abundance of hormones!! He's very sweet, but I am so glad he loves sports so much, because I don't know what he'd do with all that energy otherwise!
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