I had to break up the pictures into two posts, as blogger won't let me upload more than five pictures per post--is it the size of my pictures, or am I just goofy and don't know how to over ride it???Anyway, here's Adrienne and Yuya hanging out--and don't worry, the fountain water is heavily chlorinated!

Simon was a little more tentative about the fountains than everyone else...

he preferred sun bathing and running around the city plaza.

Annie soaking up the sunshine...

We finished the afternoon with gelato from Powell's sweet shop!
I love the first picture by the fountain. As for blogger, you can upload more than five pictures, but you can only do five at a time. Upload five, then click the upload photos button again. You'll be able to upload five more. Maybe you already knew that, but I wasn't sure, so I thought I'd let you know. I'm enjoying your blog.
Thanks for the tip, I actually didn't know that! I'm embarrassingly inept with technology. Glad you like the little blog--at this point it's kind of a glorified photo album, but maybe one of these days I'll find the time for more text!
Glad to help!
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