Ah, the days of lounging around in pajamas (probably at 1:00, I don't exactly remember, though!) with a book...No more of that, though, school starts tomorrow! I don't feel ready, but never do till the cold, short days of December, so we just have to get over it. Anyway, I thought this picture was cute of Aaron & Annie.

Here we are at one of Jonathan's football practices with the 4 younger kids and Yuya, the 13 year old Japanese boy who stayed with us for 3 weeks this summer.

Here's what Jonathan was doing while we were lounging around in the grass (he's the one in the gold shorts). He's starting left tackle this year, which he's very excited about.

The kids quickly tired of sitting in the grass, and fortunately there was an empty tennis court nearby for them to play in.

Jonathan & Yuya after practice (with coach Hays and Lydia in the background)
Simon has gorgeous hair. I love those big locks. Are you still homeschooling?
Yes, we are homeschooling, and these first few weeks are so hard! Don't get me wrong, I do love being with my children, but it's an adjustment for all of us every fall. Thankfully, California has a charter school option, which is what we do. It's a real load off, as the school offers math classes (for jr. high and high school), science labs, and all sorts of other fun classes. So Aaron & Jonathan go to the school on Tuesday & Thursday mornings and take math classes & science labs (and Aaron also takes a high school English lit./writing class), and the girls go on Wednesday mornings and take art classes, science labs, and their favorite, cooking & nutrition :). Otherwise, they are home studying and completing schoolwork. Speaking of school, I'd better go back and corral everyone (I'd let them have a break after finishing some things, time to crack the whip again!).
Wow, that's so much work for you. I admire that you have devoted your time and energy to their education. They are very fortunate! I tell you what, after five years of teaching, I NEVER met a homeschooled child who was academically behind. All of them were ahead and well behaved. I was delighted to have each of them!
Homeschooling is definitely some work! But I feel like a real pipsqueak saying so when I've only got two! Hats OFF!! The children look very happy. You can't beat that.
the crazy thing is, parenting in general is actually easier now with my six than it ever was when I had less children! Although I'd *never* describe it as easy at any point, over the years I have gotten a better grip on what I'm doing (of course not perfectly, but I've given up on ever doing anything perfectly!). I hope I'm making sense here...Maybe I should say that these days I feel a little more satisfied with where I'm (we're) at with homeschooling and life in general, but I sure haven't arrived anywhere, and mistakes are still rampant ;). Oh, and it's definitely work to homeschool two kids--heck, it's plenty challenging to do one!!
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