Thursday, August 28, 2008

fountains part 2

I had to break up the pictures into two posts, as blogger won't let me upload more than five pictures per post--is it the size of my pictures, or am I just goofy and don't know how to over ride it???Anyway, here's Adrienne and Yuya hanging out--and don't worry, the fountain water is heavily chlorinated!

Simon was a little more tentative about the fountains than everyone else...

he preferred sun bathing and running around the city plaza.

Annie soaking up the sunshine...

We finished the afternoon with gelato from Powell's sweet shop!

our afternoon in Chico

Like our trip to Waterworks, this happened several weeks ago, but I wanted to post it anyway--I'm almost all caught up with our summer pictures finally! The kids love playing in the fountains in downtown Chico; I guess it's become a summer tradition. Aaron is way too cool to actually get wet in the fountains, but he is with Annie (before he walked to the bookstore!).

Here's Adrienne before getting wet--isn't her bathing suit cute? And how convenient for us when she absolutely insisted on getting a long sleeve turtle neck top for it! I really did try to talk her into getting a tank top, but she wanted THIS top!

Lydia's bathing suit is more suited to 110 degree heat!

everyone (including Jonathan and Yuya in their clothes!) running around in the fountains...

Yuya spraying water up his shirt--it's quite funny to see all the things kids find to do in the fountains!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

our trip to Waterworks park

Jonathan asked to go to Waterworks for his birthday, so here we are (minus me--hey, someone had to take the pictures, and you're really not missing anything by not seeing me in my bathing suit!). Oh, and we went on this trip back in July; we just about can't get out of town for the next three months between school and football, but that's OK. Anyway, above is Austin (Aaron's good friend), Yuya (our Japanese student), and Aaron.

Here's Elijah & Annie, with Lydia in the background. I don't know why Annie looks so serious, because she really did have lots of fun. And besides, when she tired of playing in the water and going down the kiddie slides, there was plenty of trash for her to try to get into! Why do people go to these parks and leave their half eaten food on the tables, when there are trash cans 3 feet away??!!

Jonathan & Yuya goofing off. We were sad when Yuya left, he was so much fun.

And if our entire day at Waterworks wasn't enough, we stopped by our good friends' house on the way home, where the kids swam for another hour! Jonathan was really intent on me getting pictures of them jumping into the water.

And I did it!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

more summer

Ah, the days of lounging around in pajamas (probably at 1:00, I don't exactly remember, though!) with a book...No more of that, though, school starts tomorrow! I don't feel ready, but never do till the cold, short days of December, so we just have to get over it. Anyway, I thought this picture was cute of Aaron & Annie.

Here we are at one of Jonathan's football practices with the 4 younger kids and Yuya, the 13 year old Japanese boy who stayed with us for 3 weeks this summer.

Here's what Jonathan was doing while we were lounging around in the grass (he's the one in the gold shorts). He's starting left tackle this year, which he's very excited about.

The kids quickly tired of sitting in the grass, and fortunately there was an empty tennis court nearby for them to play in.

Jonathan & Yuya after practice (with coach Hays and Lydia in the background)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

one more plug for CA fruit!

Like I mentioned before, California ROCKS if you love fresh food! One of Elijah's co-workers has five mature cherry trees, and was so generous as to let us pick them. This is part of the haul (the other 3 boxes were in the fridge). For the first time ever, we could all eat as many cherries as we wanted, plus have extra for freezing and cobblers--the cost (even here in CA) usually prohibits us from ever using fresh cherries for cooking, and we always ration them to the kids. But not this summer!

Massive diaper blow outs always followed Annie's cherry indulgences ;).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So, we didn't spend the *entire* summer holed up in the house, running the a/c because it was too smoky to safely go outside :). Here are some of the things we did, with more posts to follow...

Here are Adrienne and Lydia after the annual Enloe family picnic. The kids all look forward to it, as there is a variety of bar-b-que food to eat, plus lots of fun kid stuff like face painting (obviously!), a jumping house, games, etc.

Here is Aaron, Jonathan, Annie, and my mom at our friends, Eric and Sarah Becker's house. They're standing in front of the Becker's apricot tree, which my mom and I were able to pick apricots from...

Here's what I've decided about California: it's a wonderful place to live, in spite of the high cost of housing, because there are so many perks, like farmer's markets and good friends with fruit trees who are generous :). Seriously, we love all the fresh fruits and vegetables that grow here all year round...

Here's Simon (with Adrienne in the background) swimming...

And here is Elijah doing his favorite thing, while hanging out with Eric and Eric's mother in law.