I know it's the end of October, but I was looking at these pictures of a fun Saturday our family spent together (well, mostly together--Adrienne was at camp) in late August, and decided to post them. Above Lydia is showing her new snaggle-tooth smile in front of the Chico farmer's market. And by the way, California farmer's markets are awesome!!

Simon and Annie are running around in the fountains in the downtown plaza. This was spontaneous, which is why they're wearing clothes instead of bathing suits.

Jacob hung out in the shade while Simon and Annie played in the fountains (he's 3 months old here).

Annie and Simon love to squeeze themselves into the bars around the trees, and I thought Annie hugging this tree was great--she is from California, after all :).
These are great pictures! I love the fountain and never knew farmer's markets could be like the ones around you! Jacob is growing right along! How are Lydia's teeth coming along?
Anonymous is Mom who doesn't know anything about technology!! I don't know what those other choices are!!
Yes, Jacob is getting so big! He's already 5 months old, which is hard to believe. Lydia's permanent teeth are coming in fine; I've got to call Monday and make dental appointments for all the kids-it's amazing how quickly 6 months goes by! And in the future, if you click "name/url", you can just type your name in the blank--or you can just use anonymous, either is fine ;).
Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
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