So I've finally gotten to my neglected blog :). We've had a very busy four weeks, but here are some pictures of what's been going on in that time. As you can see, my little Jacob is the sweetest baby ever (oh, well I mean since Annie, anyway!). This picture was taken when he was three weeks old, and I swear he has been smiling since birth. He's probably the "smiley-est" baby we've ever had. I wasn't able to catch his ear-to-ear grin with my camera, but of course his "open mouth" smile is adorable, too.

Here he is before the smile--I should add that this post is "backwards", it goes from Jacob at 3 1/2 weeks (above) to him two days old (it was just quicker and easier for me to upload the photos like this--I'm blaming my tiredness!).

Aaron has really enjoyed Jacob...

Annie, Jacob, and me hanging out in my bedroom. Annie is utterly fascinated by Jacob and doesn't want to miss a minute of his waking life!

And her favorite thing in the whole world to do is hold him...

Jacob just waking up. I think he was less than two weeks old in this picture. And yes, I do sometimes use Annie's pink blankets for him!

Here's Jacob looking a whole lot like Aaron and Simon when they were this age...

Jonathan loves his new brother...

Sweet sleeping boy...

Adrienne loves holding Jacob and has been a tremendous help to me with Annie since he was born...

Annie, Jacob, and me in my bedroom again! This is what I spend most of my time doing these days (Jacob was two days old in this picture). I really have enjoyed nursing all of my babies, and am so grateful for the time I've been able to spend with them. Oh, and yes, Annie is wearing a Christmas gown, because it still gets pretty cold at night here (plus it was clean--clean laundry is hit and miss around here these days!).
Nice pictures, Melissa. Jacob is so cute and I love his name. He's really expressive, especially for being so young. Hope you are feeling well!
Thanks, Sonia (of course we agree on the cuteness, but then again, we're pretty biased :)). I'm feeling pretty good, still not up to 100%, and don't expect to be for a while, but I'm getting 8-9 hours of broken sleep a night plus a nap most afternoons, so I can't complain. I'm just SO thankful that school is out and football practice doesn't start till July 27th!! By the way, how are you doing? Has your anemia resolved? I guess you have about a week and a half till you meet this little baby?! Uh oh, speaking of babies, Jacob is waking up, so I'd better get off this computer!
OMG - I can't BELIEVE you are getting that much sleep. How? I want to know how? I haven't slept that well since my children were born.
We'll be meeting our newest soon, and Pat will either blog some photos or post them on Facebook. He may need a brief tutorial since I'm the one who usually does it, but I think he'll get it quickly!
I want to preface this by saying that this has been one of my most challenging post partums ever, because like I mentioned before, Jacob wasn't gaining weight because for some mysterious reason my body wasn't producing enough milk (for the first time in 17 years!!). So, we've been back and forth to the pediatrician's office and the lactation consultant to have him weighed weekly, plus learning about supplementing, which is all new to me (thank goodness all is going well, and yesterday at his doctor appointment, he weighed 9 lbs, 6 oz.!).
Anyway, re: the sleep...Jacob has always slept well at night (don't hit me!:)). Once he falls asleep for the night (usually between 10:00 and 11:00PM), he sleeps for a 4-5 hour block, then wakes up every 1-2 hours to nurse, but doesn't really wake up, just nurses and stays asleep. I try to get in bed within an hour of when he goes to sleep (although it's tempting to stay up and try to get things done and get on the computer like I'm doing now!). And I try to sleep as late as I can, usually till 8:30 or 9:00AM (or later, if it works out). At this point I sleep when I can, we don't really have a schedule because thank God school is out and there's nothing really going on till the end of July. Oh, and the younger kids wake up around 8:00AM, and Lydia (age 7) fixes Cheerios for them and they watch PBS until I wake up. I hate that they're watching more TV than usual, but honestly, I think it would be worse if I were grouchy from sleep deprivation...Plus it's a short time, and I'm confident they'll survive :). Anyway, I'm sure hoping your little girl will be a good sleeper! Even if she's not, with just one and (hopefully) some help with the boys for the first two weeks, you can just sleep when she does, even if it's weird hours ;).
PLEASE teach Pat how to upload photos!! I'll be dying to see your baby! I actually told Elijah how to upload photos to Facebook from the bed when Jacob was like 1 day old! Oh, what day are you having the c-section?
Your personal safety may be compromised after what I just read. I honestly had to re-read what you wrote because I couldn't believe that baby is sleeping four to five hours at a time. The boys were about 8 months (or older) before they started doing that. I am in AWE that you are getting so much rest. Philip never sleeps more than seven hours. NEVER. NEVER. EVER.
I wouldn't worry about them watching PBS. Seems they could be doing much worse! Sorry you've had so much trouble with feedings. I had SO much difficulty with the boys that I'm hoping it goes more smoothly this time. I guess each time is a little different, but experience must count for something.
Pat should be able to upload some photos without too much difficulty, so watch for some next week on blogger and/or Facebook.
Enjoy your new baby and all that sleep you're getting. Jealous.
I will definitely be checking for pictures next week! I can't believe it's so soon--can't imagine how you're feeling :).
I sure hope this new baby will let you get some decent sleep. That is funny about Philip--I know this sounds unbelievable, but one day when he's a teenager, you'll be pulling him out of bed at 10:00 or 11:00AM (on weekends and during summer, of course!). Aaron and Jonathan used to wake up SO early (well, 6:30AM seems early to me!), and now I think they'd sleep all day if we let them!
I don't believe you. I told Pat that during teenage years, I fully expect Philip to be yelling "sandwich" from his room during the middle of the night.
We tried SO hard to have them sleep in their own beds. We NEVER slept until we moved them into our room. So, even though we've taken crap for it, I don't care. Those who criticize should try going 18 months with less than three hours sleep per night - they might change their minds then. Some have warned that the boys will want to sleep with us, or in the same room, as teenagers. You know what I say? "I don't care."
The new baby will sleep wherever she sleeps best. We've realized that if they sleep, we can too.
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