OK, strangely this picture was taken about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and my belly looks larger than in the one taken yesterday--I'm thinking different shirt and different angle?? With most of my pregnancies, my belly hasn't gotten very big (relatively speaking), although everything else on me does!! The other picture is obviously of Annie and Elijah sleeping, I just thought it was sweet.

I love the sleeping picture. How sweet! Great picture of you too. I agree that it must be the angle because your tummy looks bigger in this one. I feel really small compared to last time. I was ENORMOUS with twins.
I can only imagine the difference twins make! Other than my pregnancies with Aaron and Simon (who weighed 9 lbs, 4 oz, and 8 lbs, 14 oz, respectively), my babies have been small/average (3 weighed 7 lbs and 1 weighed 7 lbs, 8 oz), and since I have a large frame, they have lots of room ;). At the end of my pregnancies people are always amazed, declaring that I don't look 9 mo. pregnant, they thought I was only 6 mo., etc. etc. (you know how pregnant women are considered "public property"??!!). Now, if only I could go through a pregnancy without gaining a minimum of 40 lbs!!!! Although I've pretty much given up hope of that ever happening! Oh, and you should post a pregnancy picture soon, too! I admit to feeling a little silly, but I do always enjoy looking back at them after the baby is born!
I'll post another one soon. Our boys were about 1 month premature, which is typical for twins. In general, the hope is for twins to each reach 5 pounds. Ours were 6-1/2 pounds each. I have a small frame, so that was really hard to handle. One night, I sneezed and split the left side of my rib cage. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced. If Pat hadn't been home, I would have gone to the ER. I couldn't sleep in the bed for the rest of the pregnancy, and had to take pain medication just to move. You can see how big I was here: http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7466/654/1600/36%20wks1.jpg
I gained SIXTY-FIVE pounds. Wow! I even look too fat to smile in the photo. I lost all of it, but gained ten back when we moved to Houston. No excuses, I just love to eat out. This time I've gained about 10 or 11 pounds and I'm 23-1/2 weeks. I am determined not to gain as much weight this time, but the lemon pound cake I'm working on, probably isn't helping.
I don't think 65 lbs is too much, especially considering you had twins and started out slim (and I thought you looked great in your picture!). And 6 1/2 lbs is a good weight for a baby born a little early, so I think the 65 lbs. was a good thing! I have always lost the weight I gained after my pregnancies, *except* after Annie's. And I don't really have an excuse; I guess I just felt too tired and busy to exercise and kept over eating...I've been walking regularly during this pregnancy (mainly just because it makes me feel better, not so much for weight concerns), and eating well, but do include desserts/snacks--just hoping to be more motivated to lose weight post partum this time!
Oh, and the split rib cage--YIKES!! That sounds awful; I guess it wasn't able to heal until after the birth? How scary--hopefully that won't happen again!
Oh, it NEVER healed. It never will. I don't think it will happen again, at least not on the left side. If I were to have twins again, I suppose the right side would be vulnerable. Afterwards I told Pat to give his patients really good pain medicine for rib cage injuries. The pain was UNREAL. I didn't allow myself to sneeze for the rest of the pregnancy!
Aw, such sweet pictures!
Thanks, Sarah!
I really liked each and every picture that you have posted in this fantastic blog. The pictures that you have posted are actually seen as related to the natural daily living and it expresses all the necessary gestures.
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