I thought I was done posting pictures from Jonathan's football season this fall after my last post. However, we went to Jonathan's football banquet a few nights ago, and his coach's wife gave us a disc with over a hundred incredible pictures on it! Her camera takes wonderful pictures, and of course I didn't post all of them here, but they were so good that I had to post some of them ;). Warning--this may be a post that only grandparents will find interesting!! Oh, and Jonathan was very surprised and excited to win the "Lonnie Eagleson" (hope that's spelled correctly) award as well (they only award it to 3 players each year, so it's a big deal for him). Anyway, in the above picture, the team is walking onto the field before a game...

Here they're lined up before a game for the Star Spangled banner--Jonathan is #77.

OK, the above picture is Jonathan's *favorite* picture of the whole season (we also have it up on our refridgerator!). He is the one running in the middle in front of the ball carrier--notice that his feet are completely off the ground! He was "pulling" or running ahead of the ball carrier and blocking for him.

Pre-game huddle-I don't know where Jonathan is in this one, only that he's in there somewhere!

Here's #77 on the field during a game--look how wet and sweaty he is! I can't even imagine how hot they get running around in all that gear in August and September!

Here he is in the thick of it-he's sort of in the middle (you can spot him by the "77" on his shoulder).

Here he is again, well his back, anyway!

Here he is (on the right) possibly about to get pulled down...

And here is his back again....

He really likes this one as well--he is one of the players on the right blocking the player (#45) from the other team (if you look closely, you can spot his brown arms!!).

And here he is on the far right, blocking #54. We aren't proud of him because he plays football, but we are very proud of his determination and earnestness and how he puts 200% into everything he does. The coaches noticed this as well, and remarked that his enthusiasm was contagious. He had a great season this year, and we're hoping he'll have many more to come (although we're not sure if his plans to go straight to USC will materialize!!).
Go Jonathan! What great pictures, Melissa. I know you must be proud of Jonathan's hard work.
I was so grateful to get these pictures, as my camera could never take photos of that quality. And we are very proud of him, as we are of all of our children--just wanted to spotlight him for a sec!
The funny thing is, having grown up in the south with a dad who loved football (and getting dragged to every USM game every fall for most of my childhood!), I always *hated* football! And honestly really had a prejudice towards all team sports, but it's funny how our kids take us places we never thought we'd go, and we actually end up having fun while we're at it! I've certainly changed my opinion of football and team sports after seeing how much Jonathan has flourished participating in them, and even become a football, basketball, and baseball fan as well (at least when he's playing-still don't watch games on TV or anything!).
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