Here is Aaron and his best friend, Nick, outside Hula's restaurant before going to the "Twerps" dance put on by Nick's high school. For this dance, the girls ask the boys and pay for everything, so Aaron and Nick were pretty lucky to be at Hula's restaurant (we heard that a lot of the girls took their dates to the In N Out!). I would've taken more pictures, but didn't want to go into Hula's and embarrass the girls by taking tons of pictures (and of course I didn't follow them to the dance). So this picture is the best I have!

Sports, on the other hand, of course are instant photo opportunities, except when the sun goes down. Anyway, even though you can't see much, Jonathan is in the photo above!

This is at the beginning of the game, where the team captains are meeting. Jonathan was one of them--he's #77.

The pre-game huddle...

And here's Jonathan at the water table--he's the only tall, dark, and handsome one there ;). We're really proud of how much effort he's put into this; last year he was a rookie, and this year he started and played a lot. He loves football and is looking forward to many more seasons to come!