Here's what's left of the pumpkin bread I made with one of the pumpkins we brought home...

Here's Adrienne, Lydia, & Simon on the wooden train--this is Simon's favorite thing about the pumpkin patch!

Maybe Aaron isn't too old to be playful?!!

Here's Simon and Annie...

Jonathan, Elijah, & Annie on the train--oh, and the reason everyone (except for Jonathan) is in coats and long sleeves is that it was exceptionally cold and windy that day (other than that, we've had a nice Indian summer!).

Simon showing his perfect pumpkin...

Simon and Jonathan at the pig race...

And the petting zoo. Annie *loved* it, but I'm not sure the goats felt the same way!

Lydia was more "goat friendly"...

Fortunately, she wasn't able to pet the pig!

Lydia, Annie, Simon, & Jonathan goofing...we had a great day, as this pumpkin patch is really fun. It's the 4th year we've gone, and it's one of the high points of our fall!
It appears that Elijah isn't too old to be playful either!
What a fun outing. I wonder how I'd find something like that here.
What was Annie doing to that goat's tail?
My best advice for finding neat places is asking other moms! That's how we found out about Bishop's pumpkin patch (it's not local-about 1 1/2 hours away). I think Annie was trying to pet the goats, but they kept getting away too fast!
That's a great idea, and one that I'm not too good at - so far. I'm so busy with the boys, that I don't make time to talk to other moms. I just hope I get a shower every other day. :)
You really have us beat. David just took the boys and me to the supermarket. Of course, every outing of ours has its own "entertainment". Or, you could read that as "risk factors." LOL
Sonia--I understand about the difficulty in even regular personal hygiene with one 2 year old, much less two of them!! Although honestly, it's hard for me to imagine twin 2 year olds-what a challenge! Right now I'm just hoping Annie survives to see her 3rd birthday, as it seems like every time I turn my back (like for 3 seconds), she gets hurt (fortunately minor so far). But it does get easier, which is what I keep reminding myself!
Meg-fortunately the pumpkin patch is outside and so busy that no one notices if our kids melt down!! But I know what you mean, there are some places that I always swear I'll never take my kids again, and then of course forget until the next time we're there ;). And we would've just gone to the grocery store, too, if this nifty pumpkin patch weren't so close!
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