We went to One Mile pool for the first time (this summer) last week, which the kids loved...

Jonathan hamming with Jacob (post hair cut).

This is a "before" picture of Jacob's hair before his first hair cut. I put it off for a while, but finally had to do it--especially since he hated having his hair brushed!

My mom came out to visit for a week in May, which was a real treat. Here she is with just Lydia, Simon, and hamming Annie...

Of course I had to include at least one picture of Jonathan playing basketball :). He's the one in the middle, shooting. He had lots of fun playing for the Chico Blazin Heat (A.A.U. basketball team) this spring.

Simon and Jacob just goofing. It's so sweet how protective Simon is of Jacob; he takes his job as big brother very seriously :).

This picture was taken during the first part of our spring break! We had such a weird winter--a little bit of snow in March, and then this in April.

I thought this was a sweet picture of Elijah and Annie walking together at Table Mountain. We try to go every spring, when the wildflowers are blooming like crazy. It's so beautiful up there, and the kids really enjoy it. The next few pictures were taken there...

I managed to catch Aaron in a rare playful moment sitting in a tree...

Jonathan, however, is almost always playful, and specifically requested that I take this picture!

Annie just couldn't get over the wildflowers everywhere, and always lagged behind picking them for her bouquet :).

This year the kids got a trampoline for Christmas from their grandmother, and absolutely love it! I love it, too, as they really enjoy being outside and play in the backyard happily for long stretches.

Jonathan getting air; he loves to shoot hoops...

Here is Jonathan holding Annie up to the basketball hoop so she can "dunk". He's a pretty sweet big brother...

Here is Jacob, back in February (he was 8 1/2 months old here). He is our first baby who has had top teeth come in like this, and I wanted to make sure I had some pictures before the middle ones came in (which they did soon after this picture was taken).
Since I FINALLY installed the software for my new camera (that my sweet husband bought for me back in February!!), I thought it would be fun to post some pictures from the past 5 months. Although I did post some on Facebook, these are kind of an addendum, and for anyone not on FB. I thought I'd put more pictures up here, but blogger takes FOREVER to upload pictures, so I pooped out finally and just did these.