Friday, March 13, 2009

A couple more pics

OK, strangely this picture was taken about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and my belly looks larger than in the one taken yesterday--I'm thinking different shirt and different angle?? With most of my pregnancies, my belly hasn't gotten very big (relatively speaking), although everything else on me does!! The other picture is obviously of Annie and Elijah sleeping, I just thought it was sweet.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Around the house

Here are a few random pictures of what we've been up to for the past couple of months...For some reason in the "posting" and "editing" sections of my blogger account, the photos are showing up as Html, which makes it a pain to insert text! Argh! It's terrible being so technology impaired. But anyway, most of the pictures are self explanatory, of course. The snow pictures are from the huge February snow storm--and the one of Aaron playing a video game was taken while the other kids were out sledding (that's how he preferred to weather the storm!). Oh, and the picture of me was taken taken today, at 30 weeks into my pregnancy!